Tribute to Jenita Christiana Aymer

IN LOVING MEMORY OF Jenita Christiana Aymer
“The Reality of Life is Life itself, whose beginning is not in the womb, and whose ending is not in the grave. For the years that pass are naught but a moment in eternal life; and the world of matter and all in it is but a dream compared to the awakening which we call the terror of death…
“The soul is an embryo in the body of man And the day of death is the day of awakening, For it is the great era of labor And the rich hour of creation Death is an ending to the son of the earth But to the soul, it is the start The triumph of life…
“If in the twilight of memory,
We should meet once more,
We shall speak again together
And you shall sing to me a deeper song
And if our hands should meet in another dream We shall build another tower in the sky…”
Lebanese Poet, Khalil Gibran
Good Afternoon, Church.
It is with a heavy heart and profound sadness that I extend my deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of Jenita Christiana Aymer, née Augustine, fondly known as Christine.
Antigua and Barbuda has lost a remarkable woman, a beacon of grace and resilience, whose life was defined by her unwavering commitment to family, community, and faith.
As we reflect on her journey from 1948 to 2024, we celebrate a life well-lived and a legacy that will endure for generations to come.
Born in the small, yet vibrant, community of Ottos, Christine was the epitome of the strong Antiguan woman. She grew up in an era marked by simplicity, where values of hard work, integrity, and respect were not just taught but lived. Her father, an exemplary hardworking farmer widely known as Monkey Lettuce, originally from Dominica, produced and sold the best and the most lettuce in Antigua. These early lessons of discipline, industry, enterprise and service would shape her into the woman she became—a devoted wife, a loving mother, a cherished grandmother, and a trusted friend.
Christine’s life was one of service—service to her family, her community, and her country. Her marriage to John C. Aymer was a partnership that exemplified love, mutual respect, and unyielding support. Together, they built a family grounded in these same principles, raising children who have continued to uphold the values instilled in them by their mother.
As a mother, Christine was nurturing yet firm, ensuring that her children understood the importance of education, humility, and the power of faith. Her home was one where the doors were always open, and no one left without a full stomach or a word of encouragement. She extended this kindness beyond her immediate family, becoming a mother figure to many in her community.
She was a good and faithful servant of the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party emerging in the early 1970’s as a vocal warrior for political change when the party was at its lowest ebb. She joined the St Johns City South Constituency Branch alongside Vere Bird Junior when he returned from law school in 1971 and grew into one of the most loyal activists and supporters the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party has ever seen.
As a close friend of my mother and father, enthusiastic for my success, she was right by my side when I entered elective politics in 2004. She volunteered her time for house-to-house, grass roots campaigning and introduced me to her extensive network of friends and associates across the political landscape.
Christine’s dedication to her community was unparalleled. She was an active member of her church, where she served diligently, offering her time, her talents, and her resources to further the work of God. Her faith was her anchor, and she lived by the belief that “to whom much is given, much is required.” She was a woman of action, never hesitating to lend a hand to those in need, and always doing so with humility and grace.
Her contributions to the development of Ottos Village and the surrounding areas are well-documented and deeply appreciated. Whether it was organizing community events, supporting local initiatives, or simply being a listening ear, Christine was a pillar of strength and a source of inspiration to all
who knew her. Her impact on the lives she touched is immeasurable, and her absence will be felt deeply by many.
As the Member of Parliament for St. Peters, I had the distinct honor of knowing Jenita Christiana Aymer personally. Her unwavering support and wise counsel were invaluable to me, and I will always remember her as a woman of great integrity, compassion, and strength. She was a shining example of what it means to live a life of purpose and to do so with dignity and grace.
In honoring Jenita Christiana Aymer’s memory, we must strive to live by the values she held dear: love for family, service to community, and faith in God. Her legacy is one that will live on through her children, grandchildren, and all those who had the privilege of knowing her.
Rest in eternal peace, dear Christine. Your work here is done, but your spirit will continue to guide us. Thank you for the light you brought into this world. You will be missed, but never forgotten.